Why Meditate? Five Reasons Why We Should Meditate


Why meditate is a question that a lot of people ask. In reality there are many different reasons to meditate at least once a day, but here we will talk about the five most important ones. Whether you are an office worker who is at the breaking point, the stay at home mom or dad that sometimes feels things are getting a bit overwhelming, or even someone who may have some ailment that seems to just keep bothering you, all can benefit from meditation at some point.

Reducing stress is probably the number one reasons why you should be meditating at least once a day. All too often we are worried about things, whether it be about something that has already passed, is presently bothering you, or even about some future events. These can be about money, children or family, friends or co workers. With meditation, all of these problems are left behind, for the moment, and all that you think about is the moment.

The second reason why you should meditate goes hand in hand with the first reason, to clear the mind of inner chatter that we are all guilty of. Each and every day thousands of different thoughts bombard us. All of this ‘chatter’ can lead to all kinds of problems in our daily lives, from anxieties, insomnia, and stress, and has to be controlled at one point or another, and meditation helps to not only let go of all of these random thought processes, but help you to learn how to properly deal with them.

Meditation can help with physical pain. Whether you realize it or not, the mind has a lot to do with your physical health. Meditation takes your mind off the pain, if even for a little while, allowing you to concentrate more on other things. A perfect example is the Lamaze techniques used by pregnant women. This helps them prepare for the discomfort and pain associated with child birth, by teaching them to focus on breathing, channeling their minds to deal with birthing a child. Lamaze too is a form of meditation.

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The fourth reason is something we can all relate to, and that is improving your overall mood during the day. You have heard of time outs, we have probably used it on our kids at one time or another, but as adults, we try to push through every day problems, letting them build one on top of the other. Meditation is like a time out for adults. By sitting down, even for fifteen minutes and meditating, the tensions of every day life can seem to fade away.

The fifth reason is that meditation helps give you a better perspective of the world around you. While you may still get stressed during the day, you can look forward to a time when you can let go of these problems, even for the moment. Somehow the boss looking over your shoulder all the time isn’t so bad, the craziness in your life is relieved for a period of time. Meditation can give you a whole new outlook on your life, which in turn helps other around you.

So these are just five of the reason why meditate is important in our every day lives. There is an abundance of information available on meditation, what different techniques are available, and how to do it.


Source by Adam Rajba

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