Why Do People Meditate? The Top 10 Reasons


Here’s a really good question…why do people meditate? To get the answer, welcome to the modern world – a world of stress, tensions, hectic lifestyles, multi-tasking, constant media exposure, never-ending desires, demanding kids, competitive work environment, relationships, blah, blah, and blah. Where’s your peace of mind?

You might have imagined how those charming Hollywood stars and other big personalities manage to look oh-so-cool in spite of their busy schedules and media paparazzi hounding them! Well, mediation is the secret to their balanced professional and personal lives. If they can improve their life through mediation, why can’t you?

Top 10 Reasons To Meditate

If you are still curious as to why people meditate, then here are 10 good reasons. These reasons are not out-of-this-world. They are a way of life of today’s generation and many of them might be familiar to you.

To alleviate stress and attain deep relaxation.

To mitigate pain, either physical or emotional, that arises out of tension. This includes headaches.

To decrease anxiety attacks by reducing blood lactate levels.

To enhance serotonin production. Serotonin controls mood and behavior. When its levels are low, people tend to get depressed, become insomniacs, obese, or suffer from headaches.

To assist in weight loss.

To help drug users break their addictions.

To strengthen the immune system. Medical studies have proved that meditation enhances natural killer cell activity that wipes out cancer cells and other deadly viruses.

To increase self-esteem and motivation levels.

To improve relationships.

To discover inner peace and happiness.

The Benefits Of Doing Meditation

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Meditation helps to get rid of random thoughts floating in your mind. It calms your mind leading to more productive results and increased zest for life. You are able to concentrate better and on more important things of life and not get bogged down by unnecessary worries and anxieties.

As you meditate on a regular basis, you will realize that you have become more focused on your goals, be it at the workplace or at home. There will also be a change in your behavior, thus, improving the way you deal with people around you. Meditation is the key to stress management. And once you are free of stress, you almost get a new life!

Doctors have also recorded physiological effects of meditation on people practicing meditation regularly. The effects are reduced pulse rate, lowered blood pressure, lowered metabolic rate, and alterations in levels of serum of different substances.

In addition to the above bodily effects, you achieve an in-depth understanding of your own self. This is because, during meditation, you get to scrutinize thoughts hovering in your mind. You get close to your subconscious that guides you towards knowing who you are and what your purpose of life is. In short, people who mediate are happy!

Now that you have got the answer to “why do people meditate”, isn’t it time you started meditation too?


Source by David Barrett

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