The Church Of Today, Offended By Christ?


Is the church of today offended by Christ? The very thought of this seems absurd, but is it? Not really. When one understands the spiritual truth contained in the bible, they see that the majority of churches today are offended by what they proclaim to uphold, the cross of Christ.

The bible is a very complicated book, especially for those who have not received the spirit of God through faith in Christ. When the bible speaks of offence, it is speaking of those who command that we must follow the commandments of God in the flesh by our own works of righteousness either to become, or remain accepted of God. Those who command that one must live a certain way in the flesh to please God live in great error. They are causing offence according to the scriptures. The natural eye, however, cannot see this concept.

The bible tells us that one must be born of the spirit of God before they can see the truth contained in the scripture. The spirit of God is our eyes to see the truth, and our ears to hear what the bible is really telling us spiritually. Unfortunately, the majority today does not have the spirit of God in their lives. This leads them to interpret the scripture from what they know naturally. However, there is only one right way to interpret scripture. The bible is a spiritual book and must be interpreted spiritually. However, one cannot understand spiritual matters without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The majority of churches today who profess that they know Christ are denying him with works. They command their congregations to follow certain rules to live by in the flesh. By doing so, they deny the faith. They are not seeking to enter the kingdom of Heaven through faith. They seek to enter by their own works of righteousness. However, the bible plainly teaches us that we are saved by grace through faith, and not of works. So why do they command their congregations to maintain good works in the flesh? This occurs because they interpret the word of God naturally. They do not understand the spiritual truth contained in the scripture. Without the spirit, they cannot possibly see spiritual truth. This leads them to follow the commandments of God in the flesh by their own works of righteousness. The bible tells us those who are in the flesh cannot please God. We must worship God in spirit and in truth. We must understand the spiritual meaning of the commandments of God. However, many today do not have the spirit, and therefore cannot understand spiritual truth.

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The bible tells us many speak evil of the things they understand not, but what they know naturally as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. By interpreting the scripture naturally and following the literal commandment, the church of today is causing offence. They are leading many away from the faith to trust in works for salvation. We either trust in faith or works. By teaching others to follow the word of God naturally by their own works of righteousness in the flesh, the church of today is causing offence.

When one trusts in Christ alone for salvation, and not works, it offends many who profess to be in the church of today. The church of today insists that salvation must be accompanied by works of righteousness in the flesh. They are offended by those who trust only in the cross of Christ for salvation. Many face great persecution because they refuse to bow to the commandments of men, rather than the commandments of God. Some are even excluded from the church organizations of today. Why does this occur? Paul tells us in the bible, if he continued to preach circumcision the offence of the cross would cease. The same holds true today. If one continues to try and live holy within themselves by fleshly works of righteousness, they most likely will be accepted into the church organization of today. However, those who trust in Christ alone through faith are usually rejected.

The only way to be saved is to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. No fleshly works of righteousness are required to be, or remain, accepted of God. However, this may offend the church organizations of today. This occurs because man looks on the outward appearance. They look to see if one appears to be living holy in the flesh by their own works of righteousness. However, God looks on the heart. God is only concerned whether or not we receive the Holy Spirit into our heart through faith in Christ. Let us not be man-pleasers. Let us seek the honor that comes from God alone. Let us trust in Christ alone for salvation through faith.


Source by Wes Preece