Negotiation 101 – Five Tips to Achieve a Win-Win Resolution


Negotiations are essential especially when two parties do not agree on a particular issue. The issues can be regarding money, certain possession like property, land or inheritance. A family with a fortune may disagree on how to share amongst themselves the inheritance especially when the property involves large amounts of money or huge chunks of land. One may find that one party has already taken possession without informing the other, hence bringing a lot of unwanted arguments. In the absence of an executed will which is normally used to prevent division in the family, the need to employ a negotiator is inevitable. A company chosen to run the errand of a negotiator must have the required skills and mastery in doing similar work, in order to bring a win-win resolution without wasting much time. The following five tips may help the negotiation achieve the desired goal which is to reach a resolution at the shortest period of time.

One important tip is to sit down with your client and understand what exactly the client is looking for. The negotiator may use the 3 W’s that is, what, why and where to get the desired answers. What may bring the negotiator to the picture as to the reason bringing about the dispute Is it land or property The why might shed some more light on the facts of where the conflict may have arisen from Where may also help in identifying the location. With these in mind then the negotiator may do his homework knowing the mind of the client. It may be very disturbing to realize that the negotiator bargained for a much less than expected deal.

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The second tip is to be confident when facing the panel. Let your word be clear and precise. Do not bit about the bush. Let the other party know from the word go that you wish to settle this matter amicably without involving the court which would take longer wasting a lot your precious time. Then without much ado, place the client’s expectation on the table. Do not be afraid that the offer is too high, and the party may refuse. This would be leverage for the other party to negotiate.

The third tip is to make sure that the negotiator understand that he may go lower up to a certain point. At this point the negotiator may want to give a chance to the other party. Listening is another important skill that is required by a negotiator. Every word said in the negotiating table is important as it may bring a break through to reaching the final resolution.

The fourth tip is to clarify the agreed issued and make sure he, the negotiator has brought to understanding fully that the two parties have agreed to follow a certain path. The negotiator should not speak vaguely but should use simpler terms which are fully understood by the parties across the board.

The fifth tip is to ensure that harmony is maintained at the end of the day. Allow shaking of hands after a fixed deal and speak in a friendly tone to avoid the uneasiness from both parties. Be ready to come back whenever needed.

With this few tips above it is not hard to practice as negotiator, but training is sometimes essential to achieve the required confidence.


Source by Craig Simons

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