Lutheran church services are liturgical; following a set pattern for every service. Upon entering the sanctuary, an usher give the weekly bulletin. In this bulletin is an explanation of how each service will be conducted. Normally, all hymns are chosen from the With One Voice Supplement and the Lutheran Book of Worship. These hymns are titled by numbers (not page numbers) and are listed in the bulletin. Below is an outline of a typical Lutheran church service. Things do vary somewhat. Particularly during special days of the Christian calendar and special seasons, but the outline is basically the same. Most of the services have a specific page number listed, so that they can be followed in the hymnals that contain the text for various services.
Meditation thoughts are found in the bulletin so they may be considered during the pre-service music. Actual beginning of the Lutheran services come with announcements, prayer requests, and a welcome from the preacher. Followed by a gathering song, which is usually followed by “Confession and Forgiveness”, a brief greeting, and then the “kyrie”, which are all found in the hymnals. A prayer of the day is said and the days lessons (Bible readings) are recited. Followed by a children’s message. in which all the children are to the front of the sanctuary. The (adult) message is then conducted and another hymn is sung. Faith is then confessed by the use of three main Creeds. Prayers of the church are done and then God’s peace is said followed by a greeting and hand shaking, then a wish of peace amongst the congregation. The offering is then collected by the ushers and brought to the front of the sanctuary during a offering hymn. A brief offertory is also recited.
The Lutheran church practices a “close” communion. Normally two or three Sundays of every month in which all baptized persons in the eye of the church are welcome to attend. Since different lutheran church services vary, a brief description is as follows; The Great Thanksgiving is recited by the pastor, an assistant, and several “helpers”. The “Words of Institution” are then given and bread is broken. The people will be invited by pews up front where a cup of wine can be taken while kneeling at the communion rail on the side that they are seated. After receiving the bread and wine, they are then to return to their seats along the outside wall of the sanctuary. The blessing over the bread and wine will be given after everyone has partaken. Finally, “Post Communion Canticle” is sung followed by another prayer and a blessing. The pastor will then dismiss the congregation, a sending song is sung then post-service music is played as the congregation exits the Lutheran Church service and is greeted by the pastor.
Source by Jeremy Oms
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