How To Meditate To Reduce Stress


So you want to learn how to meditate. Meditation can be very beneficial to your health, both mental and physical. Meditation can help reduce stress, calm your mind and boost the immune system.

For beginners, meditation can seem very mysterious. Anyone can learn how to meditate and it can be easy and fun. You don’t know it, but you’ve probably done it already. Meditation is simply the act of changing the frequency of your brain. It is also sometimes known as going into trance.

“I’ve never been in a trance” you say. Think again. If you’ve ever daydreamed or been in an elevator and stepped out on the wrong floor just because the doors opened, then you’ve been in a trance.

Going into trance means that you shift your attention from the outside world to the inside one.

A simple meditation technique that is easily learned and can be used almost anywhere is the breathing meditation. It can be achieved by following these steps:

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you will meditate. Make sure that you will not be disturbed during the time you will be meditating. You can do it either sitting down or lying down.
Make yourself comfortable. Loosen any tight clothing and be sure not to cross your arms or legs as this may cause you to move during the exercise. Note: it’s OK to move, but less is better.
Once in a comfortable position, take a deep breath, inhaling slowly but steadily from the bottom of your lung. A bit like you were filling a jug of water. Hold the breath in for the count of two and then release it. Repeat this deep breathing two more time.
Now breathe normally and start to shift your attention to your breath. Notice that your breathing is deeper and steady. Pay attention to your body as it relaxes. Imagine that with every “in” breath; you pull in fresh energy and that with every “out” breath; you release your stresses and worries.
Don’t worry about doing it right or what you should be feeling. Every time you practice this meditation exercise, it will be different. Go with the flow of the experience. Practice makes perfect.

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The more you practice how to meditate, the more you will be able to deal with things that would have bothered you in the past. This simple meditation exercise has allowed me to reduce stress and aggression from my life.

Another method that can really help with meditation is called “anchoring” and will be explained in a future article. Stay tuned.


Source by Dave Rope

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