How to Achieve What You Want in Life Through Powerful Visualization Techniques


The ability to imagine and visualize what you want can enable you to achieve all you want in life.

Visualization is picturing in your mind that which you want as vividly as you can, as if you had already achieved it and were already enjoying its benefits. That which you visualize and wish for in this way can manifest itself in very unexpected ways. The process of visualising your desires, and anticipating their manifestation with a firm belief, is very powerful.

By using effective positive visualization you will unleash a power that will irresistibly attract your goals and dreams to you. Amazing coincidences will occur that will promote and assist you achieving what you want in life.

You can visualize material things, and you can visualize the kind of person you want to be. You can use the power of visualization to overcome any obstacles you feel you have preventing you achieving what you want in life.

Techniques for effective Visualization

Visualization is a powerful tool for developing a positive attitude and for manifesting in your life your desires. The purpose of visualization is to picture in your mind, as vividly and precisely as possible, you enjoying your life exactly as you want to live it. This will include where you live, the material things you want, your work, and your environment.

It is important to realise that there is no one single perfect or essential technique for visualization. There are certain essential ingredients, but the rest is up to you, and you should not create barriers that do not exist. There are no barriers to you achieving exactly what you want in your life. You can and you will achieve them.

Firstly, find a quiet place and time where you will not be disturbed. You cannot visualize effectively if you are distracted. As you become more practiced, confident and experienced, you will find that you can concentrate exclusively on visualization, and effectively do it anytime and anywhere, totally excluding any distractions around you. Many people can do this almost immediately.

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Secondly, get comfortable. Many people prefer to lie down, whereas others tend to drop off to sleep when doing this, so sitting up in a chair is preferable for some.

Thirdly, empty your mind of other things that might be competing for your attention. A useful way to focus your mind and dispel periphery worries and concerns that might be nagging you is to try and focus on a particular object or thing to achieve this state, such as a crystal. Examine it carefully looking at every flaw, crease or edge. Imagine yourself miniaturised and walking on its surface. You can do this with any object.

When suitably relaxed, you can start to imagine what you desire. This is a very pleasurable experience. Picture in your mind what you will be doing when you have achieved what you want in life. Picture yourself in your home, with your family and friends. Picture yourself acting the way you will be when you become the person you want to be. Picture yourself with the person you want to be with.

Get all your senses involved. Hear the laughter and see the smiling faces of the people you are with. Smell the perfume of the flowers in the garden you want. Smell the leather in your new car. Feel the luxury of the luxurious things that you want to surround you. Taste the richness of your life as you want to live it. Imagine the feelings and emotions that having what you want will give to you. Know that this will happen as if it is happening already.

Do this every day.


Source by Alison Yates

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