Church – Should Pastors Run It Like A Business?


Churches and private businesses have much in common, both need people to exist. Can churches benefit from running their churches like businesses? One thing is for sure, if a private business ran their business like a church, they would not survive. Many Church leaders who believe they need to and should run their church like a business, do exactly that. Here’s a thought; in this present economy, many businesses try to win back customers they have lost over the years. Businesses are offering rebates, deep discounts and incentives to get you in the door and get you to spend your hard-earned money.

Years ago I parted ways with a well-known internet service provider, to this day I continue to get the occasional “we want you back” advertisement. There was a time I though about switching wireless carriers, they encouraged me to stay on awhile longer because of the new changes in service and features to launch soon. One cell phone carrier gave me 150 free minutes for being a loyal customer; I’ve been with the company for 5 years now. Just as businesses will go the extra mile to get you and keep you as a loyal customer, how much more should the church (members) go the extra mile, step out of the four walls of their comfort zone…to win and or encourage other people?

When it comes to leading and managing weekly worship services, church leader who own business can very well incorporate like practices into managing church activities.

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Different Products and Services

Yes, the church is in a totally different line of business. The business of wining souls to Jesus Christ. How are the customers? Everybody who does not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Believers need a place to go to where they can get encouragement from other believers, the designated place of worship is that place. Being in the presence of like believers is encouraging and you can find inspiration.

Customer Service

Any business that treats potential customers and their current customer base with contempt will soon have to close its doors. Churches are no different. If you only treat your visitors with love and respect, you parishioners will see this and they will soon go to a place where they are treated with love and respect.

Leaders can implement many of their practices in running and managing a business into the daily operations of the church. And many do this. The only difference is: secular and private business are their to make a profit.

Churches should be in the business of wining people to Jesus Christ. When the church is more concerned about revenue and not the people they are to lead, they will soon go out of business.

Run it like a business.


Source by Nathaniel Lewis