Emperor Constantine and Christianity


Catholic Church Origins

The thing that stands out about the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church by the Roman Emperor Constantine is what it is based on. At a time when Religious beliefs were mainly about sun worship and mythical creatures, such as the supposed ‘son of the sun’ in the form of Apollo, Bacchus and Moses, these were so ingrained that nothing would have been accepted of the new religion without their incorporation.

Although Hollywood has greatly exaggerated stories of what the time was like there was obviously great freedom of sexual expression. We know from the records that Easter, for example, was a festival for love. Orgies were common in streets as the Equinox of March occurred. This was when the mating of the sun with the man sent to be her mate supposedly occurred. Her mates were chosen as scapegoats by the Proletariat whereby a group of men paraded around dressed in costumes and selected men to die on crosses to be the next ‘father god’.

Crucified Saviour Gods

They were then kept for 7 days and pampered with everything imaginable to prepare them for their death and resurrection. Their expectation was that they would rise with the sun at dawn to reign with ‘her’ as her consort. They were captured on the 15th, the Ides of March, and died on the 22nd.

This had captured the mind of Constantine who outlawed the practice of these crucifixions in favor of his own creation, that of Jesus Christ. He proposed that this one so-called ‘Son of the Sun’ had already died, 300 years earlier, in a way off place called Jerusalem. He also proposed that he was part of a Trinity godhead that was promoted firstly by the followers of Krishna. It is from the latter that the term ‘Krishians’ came about.

The Fact about Mary

Son of the Sun (Mother God of antiquity) was altered to ‘Son of God’to further confuse the issue. She bore the title of ‘ma-r-i’ for ‘mother’s powerful light’ and ancient cities and societies were names after her. The new religion claimed ‘Mary’ as the mother of Christ and, therefore, the Mother of God.

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The Meaning of Christ

Krish on the cross led to the doubling of the cross into the eight pointed star, the symbol of monarchy to this day. When a man’s body is stretched out on a cross it resembles the cross and kings supposedly had to die and resurrect through the cross to become gods. Krish-T is the origin of Christ and Krishna was changed to ‘Christ’ as the title for the new image presented by Constantine. It was as simple as that.

Jerome Wrote part of and compiled New testament

Jerome was appointed by Damasus to prepare a book setting out the new religious beliefs and he produced the New Testament. He also translated the Septuagint from the Greek (he did not read Hebrew) and added it to make the first bible around the time of the end of the 4th CAD. He also implemented the laws, costumes, order of mass, festivals and other things borrowed from the Imperial Roman Religion.

The Sun of Christianity

Priests costumes still bear the emblem of the sun burst which it is a norm on all of its instruments. The reflected light forms the cross in the center of the rings of perpetual colored light which was a magical sign that heralded the presence of the Divine from thousands of years beforehand, as archaeological finds demonstrate.

This is the background and the basis for the Roman Catholic Church established by Constantine. The New Testament was a way of explaining how it had come about without the real basis for it being known.

Krishna and Christ

The Book of Matthew, however, echoes the early life of Krishna who was threatened by the evil king Cansa and was whisked off to Egypt to escape slaughter. He returned to India at age 12 and his first miracle was changing water to wine. It has the laws of the Catholic Church in it and only Jerome knew those at the time.


Source by Norma Holt