November 2014

Monthly Archives

  • Church Fundraiser – Super Profitable Rummage Sale Tips

    [ad_1] A great way for your church group or youth group to make money is by having a bazaar or rummage sale. The difference between a mundane sale and one with pizzazz that makes more money for your group can be summed up with a few easy tips. Location, location, location. When planning your rummage […]

  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Binding Arbitration Over Going Directly to Court?

    [ad_1] Arbitration is a process where parties present their arguments in a hearing format to an arbitrator who makes the decision. By choosing arbitration the parties have given the decision-making authority to the arbitrator. Arbitration can be either binding or nonbinding. In binding arbitration the decision cannot be appealed or over-turned unless the arbitrator showed […]

  • Church Charades

    [ad_1] Through the prophet Isaiah, God describes what happens when His people become well-trained in the ways of the world (Sodom and Gomorrah) and import those ways into their worship of Him. They worship him, but in a way that suits their fancy (Isaiah 1 from v.10). They have the one festival service after the […]

  • Handling Church Complaints – Ten Tips For Leaders

    [ad_1] 1. Know that complaints are an issue in every area of ministry. The more you do not take complaints and criticism personally, the better off you will be emotionally and the more you will be effective in ministry. 2. Maintain some humility. Sometimes complaints are about an area where you need to improve. 3. […]

  • Why International Companies Doing Business in the US Should Consider Mediation

    [ad_1] When I spoke at an international legal conference in Heidelberg, Germany, in May 2003, many of the international participants were generally unfamiliar with mediation. To the international participants, “alternative dispute resolution” meant primarily international arbitration. International arbitration under the auspices of organizations such as the International Chamber of Commerce is a long-established mechanism for […]

  • Church History AD 101 to AD 200

    [ad_1] Church History A.D. 101 to A.D. 200 This era of Christianity begins with the peaceful death of the apostle John, who died at a ripe old age in the city of Ephesus where he had long served his church. Timothy may have buried the Apostle John, but he would have also been quite old, […]

  • Antibody Dependent Cell-Mediated Immunity

    [ad_1] Hypersensitivity reactions mediated by antibodies fall into different types. These are: anaphylactic reaction, cytotoxic hypersensitivity, Immune complex mediated tissue damage, T-Cell-mediated hypersensitivity, stimulatory hypersensitivity and antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic mechanism (ADCC). What are they? Type 1: Anaphylactic reaction Initial introduction of the antigen (e.g, penicillin) leads to the production of cytotoxic antibodies (mainly IgE) […]

  • Family Mediation – The Better Response to Family Strife

    [ad_1] All human beings, at the most basic level, are ruled by deep primitive instincts – like the fight-or-flight response – that contrast and clash our gift of sentience and self-awareness. When faced with any potentially dangerous or difficult situation, most people choose either to stand their ground or to run away. When confronted by […]