Congregational Mediation

  • Church Growth

    [ad_1] How to break through the prime five church growth barriers. Are you trapped? Has your church growth leveled away or even started declining? I will relate. Most churches seem to confront growth barriers at five blueprint: when attendance reaches 65, 125, 250, 500 and 1,000. In training pastors over the country, I’ve discovered that […]

  • Planting Growing Churches for the 21st Century – Book Review

    [ad_1] Dr. Malphurs believes that the most successful and proficient way to reach non-believers is to plant new churches. In his book, he used the analogy of child-bearing to illustrate the process including, conception, birth, growth, maturation, and reproduction. He divides his book in three essential parts. The first part concerns the preparation for church […]

  • Church Construction Loans – Tips on How to Get Approved

    [ad_1] The best way to secure a church loan is to convince the lender that the church is stable, has a predictable three year stream of income, and is going to be able to repay the loan without any difficulties. The church lender must feel comfortable and it is up to the church leadership to […]

  • Implementing an Evangelism Strategy for Your Church

    [ad_1] EVANGELISM STRATEGY THE MANDATE Though few churches fully integrate this verse into their doctrine the text clearly commands us to evangelise all ‘ethnic’ groups not just the group that we find comfortable to be in. Jesus met the woman at the well (John 4:7) was an indication of his attempt to reach all nations. […]

  • Principles Of Church Growth In The Early Church

    [ad_1] INTRODUCTION This article presents the concept of ‘church growth’ alongside evangelism mainly in the book of Acts. Whereas the Old Testament depicts evangelism as people coming to God, the Lucan perspective demonstrates that God’s servants will go to His people. Blauw’s thesis is that “a centripetal missionary consciousness becomes in Acts a centrifugal missionary […]

  • Proven Church Marketing Strategies

    [ad_1] The growing trend of different Churches today is not very promising. According to statistics, growth is very small wherein very few churches were being planted. However, it is still good to know that some remote places on earth have been reached by the gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ. But Christians must also be […]

  • The Value of Good Building Plans for Your Church: Developing a Master Plan

    [ad_1] A complete and carefully prepared set of building plans is the real “foundation” of any building. It’s difficult to place a value on the architectural design because it not only conveys most of the intangible artistic elements that will give the building its unique “personality”, but it includes the technical information required by the […]

  • The Need For Church Unity

    [ad_1] One of the greatest detriments to Church strength and growth is apostasy, falling away from the Truth. One of the signs that apostasy is affecting the Christian Church is the bickering and disunity among Christians. One of the basic Truths that is violated when there is bickering in the Church comes from the words […]

  • Church Design Tidbits: Balconies and Landscaping

    [ad_1] In this article, we will be giving some design tidbits for two unrelated, but important, features of your church project: balcony seating and landscaping. Balcony Seating When properly designed, balcony seating has some benefits worth considering. Balconies can solve the problem of future expansion as the congregation grows and can enable a church with […]

  • The 3 Foundational Elements Necessary For a Church to Grow

    [ad_1] There lies within virtually all organizations, or certainly those worth their grain of salt, a desire to grow. We live in a world of growth. Think about yourself today and yourself at birth. Day by day from the beginning there has been growth. Cells reproduce all the time. Your kids…they grow! Everything grows or […]

  • Church Security – Planning is As Important As the Plan

    [ad_1] The two extreme views about safety and security planning for churches: Some people feel there is no way to prevent a wild-eyed shooter from running into a church lobby and opening fire, so they feel there is no point in trying to develop response plans. Others are so concerned about possible violence they want […]