High Blood Pressure Medication Types and What They Do


Medical conditions such as hypertension should never be ignored. Your overall health depends on how your body processes what you eat, as well as your genetic predisposition to certain health problems. High blood pressure medication is designed to help lower your blood pressure and maintain a healthy pressure within your veins.

Hypertension is characterized by a systolic reading of 160 or higher and diastolic reading of 100 or more. The systolic reading is measured when the heart is contracting; the diastolic reading is measured during the period of relaxation between contractions. Hypertension is damaging to the body’s vital organs such as the heart, and veins as well.

Four of the most common drugs for hypertension include beta blockers, ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and angiotensin receptor blockers. Each of these high blood pressure meds works slightly differently based on the patient’s needs.

Beta blockers, most commonly used, reduce the signals received by blood vessels, the heart, and nervous system. These agents block adrenergic receptors, which help mediate the fight or flight response. That single effort helps reduce the effects of hypertension.

ACE inhibitors keep vessels in a more relaxed state by reducing the amount of hormone that causes them to contract. Also used to treat congestive heart failure, this medicine was originally created from compounds found in pit viper venom.

Calcium channel blockers prevent calcium from entering the cells of the heart and vessels, allowing the vessels to relax. This type of blocker is used to treat migraines and Raynaud’s disease as well as hypertension. Calcium channel blockers are rarely used long-term due to long-term side effects.

Angiotensin receptor blockers prevent angiotensin from affecting vessels, allowing them to expand more freely. Primary uses include hypertension, diabetic nephropathy, and congestive heart failure.

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Each of those high blood pressure meds help in very specific ways. Many people choose not to use conventional medications in lieu of natural remedies. Hypertension symptoms and risks should always be discussed with your doctor. Never self medicate without discussing options with your primary care physician.

Symptoms of hypertension include headache, fuzzy vision, lightheadedness, and queasiness or vomiting. Many of those symptoms are also connected to other medical problems and should be discussed with a doctor before pursuing treatment.

The causes of hypertension greatly vary from person to person. Some people are simply genetically predisposed. No matter how healthy they live their life, they suffer with hypertension. Just because your parents have hypertension, doesn’t mean you will; just that you could.

Obesity, age and gender also play varying roles in your chances of being hypertensive. Some treatments for other diseases may trigger hypertension. An unhealthy lifestyle, excessive alcohol and cigarette smoking are contributors to high blood pressure.

Many of today’s natural remedies are designed to work alone to maintain a healthy blood pressure or in conjunction with high blood pressure medication to ensure a healthy body. Maintaining a healthy blood flow is essential to overall health and well-being.

Maintenance of a healthy body means choosing healthy alternatives to unhealthy meals and choices. The choice to become healthy and maintain that healthy lifestyle is a big undertaking. Sometimes maintaining a healthy body means taking blood pressure medication and changing an unhealthy lifestyle.


Source by Denver J Smith

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