Frogs In The Church?


Frogs in the church? What does this mean? We find the answer in the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation tells us that frogs represent unclean spirits that come from the mouth of the beast. The book of Revelation is highly symbolic as it the rest of the bible. When the bible speaks of frogs, it is speaking of those who try to follow the law of God by their own works of righteousness in the flesh.

How do we know this? First, we must perform word study on the word “unclean”. When we study the word “unclean” throughout the bible it represents those who interpret the word of God literally, and therefore try to keep the commandments of God by their own works of righteousness in the flesh. In the book of Leviticus, the bible tells us that those who were afflicted with leprosy were considered unclean. They would go through the streets with their hand over their mouth yelling “unclean”, “unclean”. This was to prevent the spread of their disease. The disease of leprosy is a disease of the flesh. The bible mentions many times that sin dwells in our flesh. Our flesh is unclean so to speak in the sight of God. We are also told, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. What does it mean to be in the flesh? The commandments of God are interpreted two different ways. You can either interpret and follow the law of God in the flesh by your own works of righteousness, or in the spirit through faith in Jesus Christ. The commandments of God are given to us in earthly examples of something spiritual, something hidden deeper within the scriptures. Those who do not understand the spiritual nature of the word of God try to keep the commandments of God in the flesh by their own works of righteousness. They do this through literal interpretation of the scripture.

For example, the bible commands us not to lie. 1 John 2:22 tells us a liar is one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Those who are in the flesh believe they must never tell a natural lie to be accepted of God. Those who follow the commandment in the spirit realize by believing in Jesus, they keep this commandment not to lie. By believing in Jesus, we do not deny his is Christ, and therefore we are no longer liars when we come to faith in Christ. All the commandments have a spiritual meaning which tells us to have faith in Christ. Therefore, when we come to faith in Christ we fulfill the righteousness of the law. However, those who are in the flesh try to follow the literal, natural meaning of the commandment in the flesh by their own works of righteousness. They do not realize the flesh is unclean no matter how righteous we try to make it appear by good works.

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Now to the frogs. The bible tells us frogs represent unclean spirits. By the keyword unclean we know what they are teaching. They are teaching that one must follow the commandments of God naturally in the flesh by their own works of righteousness. They do not understand that all that is required for salvation is faith in Christ. When we believe in Christ, we keep the spiritual intent of the law of God. The bible tells us we must worship God in the spirit and not in the flesh. It also tells us the law is spiritual, and therefore cannot be followed in the flesh to please God.

Frogs are also spoken of in the book of Exodus. The Pharaoh was sleeping with the frogs. Egypt is symbolic of the bondage of the law. Those who try to follow the commandment of God in the flesh are under the bondage of the law. They are in bondage to try to live by certain rules. However, the bible tells us we who believe in Christ are set free. We are at liberty in Christ Jesus. When the Pharaoh of Egypt was sleeping with the frogs, he asked Moses to remove them, for they were a plague sent from God upon the Egyptians. When Moses asked him when he wanted them gone, Pharaoh said tomorrow. He chose to spend another night with the frogs of Egypt. Many like Pharaoh like frogs, or these unclean spirits that teach works for salvation.

Most churches of today interpret the bible literally. Therefore, they believe Christians must live by certain rules in the flesh to please God. They do not understand the law is spiritual, as written in the book of Romans. Those who teach we must live a certain way in the flesh to please God are teaching by the frogs, or unclean spirits. Now we see that there are many frogs in the church of today.

The only way to salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. Nothing more is required for salvation other than faith in him. We must trust in Jesus alone for salvation, and not our own righteousness which is unclean in the sight of God.


Source by Wes Preece