Congregational Mediation

  • Judgment Collection Against A Church Or Pastor

    [ad_1] I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment and debt referral expert (Judgment and Collection Agency Broker). This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. If you ever need legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. There can be bad […]

  • The Church Coffee Shop

    [ad_1] Many churches are installing new church coffee shops and upgrading their existing coffee shops. And they are also focusing on serving good coffee or a better coffee than the run of the mill second hand office coffee so many churches have served for years. And the good news is most of them have improved […]

  • How to Plan a Church Ladies’ Group Tea Party

    [ad_1] Keep It Simple! Do not try to simulate a posh English Afternoon Tea, with silver and all the trimmings. Most churches have the facilities and the cups and saucers, plates and spoons right on hand. Consider Your Budget. With the economy the way it is, many churches are suffering from low donations right now, […]

  • A Step-By-Step Guide to Church Fundraising Event Management

    [ad_1] You must have attended church fundraising events many times before, but have you ever been a part of the team that organizes one? A church fundraiser is quite a large-scale event and a lot of planning goes into it to make it into a success both in terms of attendance and the funds raised. […]

  • Church Affiliation

    [ad_1] Church affiliation /affiliation of churches is important to many independent churches, especially in developing countries. I am not promoting church affiliation as one would promote a product! Here we are speaking about sacred things – the things of God! Actually since the days of the Reformation, the truth of the priesthood of believers means […]

  • Seven Quiet Activities To Help Keep Young Children In Church

    [ad_1] It’s Sunday morning, one minute before the church bell rings. You just parked the car, unbuckled the children, grabbed the diaper bag that spilled its contents under the car seat, then checked to see if any little ones are running across the parking lot. They were! So, you gathered up your things, ran after […]

  • The Church of Christ and the Protestant Sects

    [ad_1] Maybe some of you are wondering what makes the church (Church of Christ) where I belong, different from the Protestant Sects. You might say that they are all sects that believe in Christ and the salvation through His name. However, if we will examine the truth about them and their teachings, we’ll noticed the […]

  • Maximize Seating Capacity With Church Chairs

    [ad_1] Churches everywhere are moving away from traditional pews toward individual church chairs. These multipurpose chairs offer a number of advantages, such as increased comfort and a more flexible use of space. Church chairs also give churches more control over seating capacity and can accommodate more people than a traditional pew. Pew manufacturers usually estimate […]

  • General Church Building Guidelines

    [ad_1] The follow church building guidelines are an excerpt from the authors’ book, “Before You Build”. These church building guidelines have been compiled from a variety of sources including years of experience seeing what really works, and what doesn’t. Use these guidelines as a starting point for planning, but please note these are general guidelines […]